SertChile was established in June 2000 in Valparaíso, as a land transportation coordinating company.
Online ServicesSertChile was established in June 2000 in Valparaíso, as a land transportation coordinating company.
Online ServicesWe have developed a different service system, based on the quality of the service with on-line information and cutting-edge technology, which has allowed us to successfully position ourselves in the market.
About UsWe periodically control the progress of the service with the Forman-SIGet System.
Access to MonitoringDistances calculated with ArcGIS Geographic Information System (GIS).
Calculate DistancesMaximum gross weight of vehicles that can circulate on public roads.
Go to weight table
(56) (32) 229 3215
(56) (32) 229 2733
Av. Décima 1820, Valparaíso
(56) (6) 208 3494
Parcela 84, Sector Aguas Buenas,
Parcelación 68, Ruta el Sol (78), San Antonio
(56) (7) 569 8792
Calle central sitios 5 y 6 Parque Industrial,
Escuadrón Coronel